Building Blocks of Socialism, Part 2

We in the Milwaukee DSA want to encourage our members, and the general public, to unionize their workplaces. To that end, we are presenting a four part series of articles making the case for unionizing, the legal framework for it,…

Building Blocks of Socialism, Part 1

We in the Milwaukee DSA want to encourage our members, and the general public, to unionize their workplaces. To that end, we are presenting a four part series of articles making the case for unionizing, the legal framework for it,…

Socialist Song of the Month – Guantanamera

Image of man singing Guantanemero

Guantanamera – Tune by Joseito Fernandez, Lyrics by Jose Marti, Various Performers The song Guantanamera has a lot of moving parts. The song itself was composed originally in 1929 by Cuban singer/songwriter Joseíto Fernández. At some point, he drifted away…

Carmen Charter Schools Union Letter of Support

The Milwaukee chapter of the Democratic Socialist of America stands in full support of the efforts of the Carmen Charter Schools workers to form a union, and is ready to commit its time and resources to help them do this.…

Milwaukee Socialist Organizer Class – Apply by Jan 9

A project of the Milwaukee DSA Education Committee Are you interested in becoming the best organizer you can be? Do you want to expand socialism here in Milwaukee, but are unsure of where and how to start? Have you been…