Meeting & Event Facilitation

See Meeting & Event Facilitation page.

Chapter Policies & Procedures

Approved Milwaukee DSA policies and procedures are posted here. 

National DSA Membership Links

National DSA resources for maintaining and updating your membership information follow. Please reach out to the Secretary at if you need further assistance. 


See Endorsements page.

Spoke Campaigns

Starting a Spoke Campaign

Coming soon

Spoke Best Practices

There are several best practices related to avoiding your messages appearing to be spam; too many spam messages can lead to the FCC shutting down your number. Best practices are:

  • Initial text messages for each round of outreach should include “Reply stop to opt out” in the message body.
  • Do not use the same initial text for multiple rounds of outreach. 
  • Use only known or likely cell phones (if pulling from a VAN, this is a criteria you can select). Try not to message land lines.
  • Exclude phone numbers that have previously indicated to not text them to avoid a high rate of opt-outs from your initial message.
  • If you get any carrier violations, stop sending. Carrier violations are a specific error type; other error types are generally not an issue, although if you have a lot of landline errors you should clean up your list so that you don’t get subsequent carrier violations. 

Other best practices include:

  • For political campaigns, consider VAN integration to import your Spoke results into the VAN. Alternately, you can manually create this data based on Spoke exports.

50% off Haymarket Books

Milwaukee DSA members receive 50% off of books at Haymarket Books when ordering 10+ books at a time (book titles can vary). For assistance placing an order, contact the Secretary at

Submit Agenda Items

Any item on a petition signed by any five (5) Members submitted to one of the Co-Chairs shall be included on the agenda of a General Meeting or Executive Committee Meeting, as long as that petition is received at least two (2) days before the agenda is finalized for that meeting. Submit to

Committee Agendas & Minutes

Members may view agendas and minutes for any committee or subcommittee, as well as for general membership meetings. Request the Google Drive link from

Committees and subcommittees include:

  • Education Committee
  • Executive Committee
    • Buildings Subcommittee
    • Bylaws Subcommittee (2023; concluded)
    • Finance Subcommitte
  • Outreach Committee
    • Creative Communications (Sub)Committee
    • Social Media Subcommittee

Working Group Annual Reports

Annual reports are currently submitted each September. Request a link to prior annual reports from

Chapter Bylaws

See Chapter Bylaws page.

Submit Bylaw Amendments

Any group of at least ten (10) Chapter Members may propose Amendments to be considered at a General Meeting by petition submitted to a Co-Chair. Submit to


See Grievances page.