Milwaukee Socialist Organizer Class – Apply by Jan 9

A project of the Milwaukee DSA Education Committee

Are you interested in becoming the best organizer you can be? Do you want to expand socialism here in Milwaukee, but are unsure of where and how to start? Have you been involved but feel like the project did not go anywhere? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Milwaukee Socialist Organizer Class is for you! 

This multi-week program will focus on holistically teaching you to be an unstoppable organizer who builds socialism, changes hearts and minds, and impacts our city. 

Interested individuals will apply (apply here, due January 9), be interviewed, and enter the program if selected. Each participant, with the help and consent of the instructor, will make a commitment to a specific campaign that is a priority for Milwaukee DSA and also expands socialism in the Milwaukee area. DSA membership is not required to participate, but is encouraged. 

This education program will be a combination of mostly in-person events with virtual events if necessary. Each unit will be roughly a week, with a break for the holidays. Each unit will consist of classroom-style instruction in the unit topic (no more than 2 hours, which is currently intended to be in-person), field work in organizing (which will be at least 3 hours and consist of having conversations, moving people to action, and building infrastructure for a strong socialist movement), time for personal reflection, and a brief one-on-one conversation with the instructor to reflect on the unit’s organizing work and topic. Each participant must commit to the entire program and, unless excused, attend every unit instruction, organizing action, and 1:1 with the instructor. 

Time commitment per week: 

Unit instruction: 2 hours 
Organizing work: 3 hours 
Reflection and 1:1: 1 hour
Total time per week: 6 hours

Program timeline: 

Sunday, January 9, 2022: Application deadline – apply here
Middle to late January, 2022: Start of eight-week program
End of February or early March, 2022: Completion of program


Each unit helps to answer the question: what is organizing? 

Welcome: what is organizing?

  • Get to know participants and instructor
  • Define scope of class and intentions 
  • Determine goals and desired outcomes 

Organizing is one-on-one conversations

  • Learn the 7 point organizing conversation 
  • Practice the conversation and its elements 

Organizing is building the committee and the campaign 

  • The importance (or not) of the committee
  • Power Mapping the campaign 

Organizing is holistic productivity 

  • Traction versus distraction 
  • Time management and its importance
  • The Reverse Calendar 
  • Overcoming blocks to action

Organizing is a mindset 

  • Acknowledging hurdles and setbacks 
  • Failure is a great option
  • Develop a practice to keep you going

Organizing is raising money and managing it

  • Why money is OK 
  • How to bring energy and money to your campaign 
  • The basics of campaign budgeting and finance 

Organizing is communications

  • What does “messaging” mean? 
  • The power of media 
  • Writing workshop

Organizing is bringing it all together

  • You’ve got momentum – now what? 
  • Recap of unit themes
Meet your instructor: 

Alex Brower is a labor leader, socialist organizer, and the chapter treasurer of the Milwaukee Democratic Socialists of America. In his organizing work, Alex has saved jobs from privatization, helped workers win a union voice on the job, defeated a temp agency, organized against a proposed iron-ore mine, helped bring comprehensive sex education to Beloit Public Schools, and won workplace healthcare for many uninsured MPS Substitute Teachers. As an MPS substitute teacher and former Milwaukee Rec. Department instructor, Alex brings a host of experience teaching others. Alex has also been a candidate for Milwaukee City Comptroller and School Board, running both times as a socialist. 


Contact Alex Brower at 414-949-8756 or